5 trends to keep an eye on in 2023

During the pandemic we were all forced to work almost totally online, driving a boost in the development of many new digital technologies. In the last two years virtual events have taken an enormous leap. With in-person events finally popping up again all over the world, the event industry is not the way it once was. So how do event organizers adjust to this brave new normal? Let's look at 5 trends to absolutely follow in 2023!
5 trends to keep an eye on in 2023

TREND 1 – The best of both worlds

That unique feeling of togetherness found at in-person events simply can’t be replaced by the virtual experience. However, we cannot overlook the many benefits that come with online events. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose anymore! Rather, just blend the most dynamic elements of virtual and in-person events into one powerful cocktail and voila! an event that leaves no one unmoved.

TREND 2 – Design with purpose

These days only tailored experiences create real impact. Thanks to data-driven designs, it is now perfectly possible to create highly personalized experiences. When you use technology to understand the hearts and minds of your target audience, you can adapt the event format, length, attendance, venue and so much more to meet the needs and goals of your target audience. So, get that data and start planning!

TREND 3 - Strengthen your community

Building meaningful relationships is key to any successful event. You want to reach out to your audience, and you want them connecting with each other as well. To stimulate authentic connection, it’s time to start thinking out of the box and build a community well beyond the boundaries of the event. Stimulating and nourishing connection from before the start of the event until well after, creates a strong sense of community and purpose. It is exactly this that drives engagement.

TREND 4 – Total immersion

Virtual events come with massive advantages, yet they will never truly replace real human interaction. Luckily, with many new technologies (such as virtual reality, avatars, Metaverse, NFTs…) you can stimulate a level of engagement similar to a real-world experience. All new and upcoming technological opportunities will throw the event industry in the air, and you need to be ready when it lands.

TREND 5 – Let's have some fun

It is crucial to stand out from the crowd and keep your attendees’ eyes on the prize. One way of doing that, is by adding some playfulness and entertainment to your event. The answer is right in front of us: gamify the event industry. Playing games is no longer just for younger generations, and gamified solutions will increasingly play a crucial role in keeping your audience engaged.

You have the vision, we have the technology. Let’s inspire together! Contact Eventronics!

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