Virtual events: a sustainable solution

Humanity is facing many challenges. Among many others, climate change, pollution and increasing social inequality intrude in our lives and demand our attention. All around the world people cry out for drastic actions. Exactly there lies a great opportunity for companies to take up responsibility and do their part.

Event Platforms

DURING THE EVENT Eventplatforms. For any online or hybrid event, selecting the right platform is key to success. Your online audience needs to feel just as involved as the in-person attendees, so you will need a platform that stimulates audience engagement and interaction in various ways. Your attendees can engage with speakers, interact with sponsors […]

About us

Our mission. Our mission is to support events with technology. We are an event tech supplier and integrate a combination of technological products into your event productions. We take your event to the next level. OUR expertise. We are a supplier to the event industry with 15 years of digital experience. We offer products that […]




HERE TO HELP GET IN TOUCH. TELL US ABOUT YOUR PROJECT. Address Maanstraat 7D 2800 MechelenBelgium Email Phone +32(0) 3 304 85 29

After The Event

OUR PRODUCTS AfterThe EVENT. Your event isn’t over when the guests leave.Your event was a smashing success, it ended on a high note and it made a genuine impact on all your participants. Your time, energy and planning has paid off. But your event isn’t over when the guests leave. Here comes the time to […]

Live streaming

DURING THE EVENT LiveStreaming. Extend your reach by live streaming your event or conference. Live streaming is one of the most powerful tools available to help you get your message across, allowing for greater interaction and engagement with your attendees. On Facebook, YouTube and Vimeo, you can share your content with the click of a […]

During The Event

OUR PRODUCTS during The EVENT. Make a lasting impression with the right technology. Transform and lift your event with our technological and creative solutions. Event technology boosts attendance, audience engagement, efficiency and productivity. Let’s create powerful experiences with a lasting impact. Livestreaming. Live streaming is one of the most powerful tools available to help you […]

Before The Event

OUR PRODUCTS BEforeThe EVENT. The best way to get a great start to your event. The proof is in the pudding. A solid planning is absolutely crucial to organizing a smooth-running event that lingers on for a long time in the minds of your audience. Our event technology helps you save time and money, will […]

5 trends to keep an eye on in 2023

During the pandemic we were all forced to work almost totally online, driving a boost in the development of many new digital technologies. In the last two years virtual events have taken an enormous leap. With in-person events finally popping up again all over the world, the event industry is not the way it once was. So how do event organizers adjust to this brave new normal?

Let’s look at 5 trends to absolutely follow in 2023!